Come home to yourself and feel like you again.

I help sensitive, ambitious women heal
from stress and overwhelm, get to the root of
what’s holding them back, and find peace within—
so they can create careers and lives they love.

As seen on:

Does this sound like you?

“Great On Paper” 

Your career, relationships, and life look amazing. So why are you stressed out, on the verge of burnout, and just plain out of it? You know there’s more to life than checking all the boxes, but you feel so disconnected you don’t know where to start. You’re yearning to create a life you love from the inside out, not the outside in.

“Busy Bee Bodhisattva” 

You’re at a crossroads, split between your driven, bossed-up side and your wild-woman woo-woo side (you multi-faceted amethyst, you). Your intuition keeps saying it’s time to heal some stuff that’s weighing you down, but all the masterclasses, yoga, self-help books, and bubble baths just aren’t cutting it. You’re restless and want to feel better in your own skin.

No Isn't In My Vocab”

You’re Cap'n Can-Do-It-All, and you work your buns off to keep everything rolling...but inevitably you end up last on your priority list. You’re capable and resilient but you’re longing to stop sacrificing yourself, set healthy boundaries, and rediscover who’s under that overly agreeable part who pleases everyone but you.


What if you could take on less, feel deeply connected and at peace with yourself, and have time to enjoy your life and relationships beyond work, work, work?


It's possible. And I'm here to help.


Welcome! I’m Caitlin.

Somatic Coach and Inner World Guide. 

As a certified coach and Hakomi practitioner with years of training in mindful somatic psychology, I’ll guide you into your inner world in a way that welcomes and nourishes all parts of you: body, mind, and spirit. So you can get rid of the noise taking up so much damn space in your life, and start making choices that actually serve you.

In a past life, I was a brand director who hustled through years in the start-up world (so many ping pong tables! so little time!). I know what it’s like to be successful on the outside, confused and burnt out on the inside, and yearning to live a purposeful life that matches who you truly are.

As exhausted and unhappy as you may feel right now, there is a path for you to start embodying your favorite self in every moment. I'm here to help you find the way.


Room to Breathe | 1:1 Coaching


My individual coaching program supports women and feminine-of-center folks who are on the edge of burnout to heal their bodies, reclaim their time, and build better relationships with themselves and others.

We’ll deep-dive into your patterns and uncover what’s blocking you so you can release and integrate it, reconnect with your needs and dreams, and create a more joyful, purposeful life using my Radical Self-Belonging® Method.



Work with me to:

  • Live more fully in the present

  • Release stress and overthinking + learn to regulate your nervous system

  • Restructure your routines so you have time to actually be a human
  • Understand your emotional patterns and transform limiting thoughts into behavior that serves you
  • Build + maintain healthy boundaries that support you AND your relationships
  • Get clear on your purpose + feel inspired and excited by your work in the world (!!)

  • Strengthen your sense of community + get closer to finding your people

  • Reclaim your self-worth + confidence so you can empower yourself and others
  • Find more calm, joy, and ease, no matter what comes next

Tired of feeling frazzled?

Get my free mindful mini-course, "Embody Your Expanded Self"

and go from scattered to centered

in 30 minutes.


Are you ready to go
from scattered to centered in your body, mind, and spirit?

Are you ready to move from scattered to centered in your body, mind, and spirit?
“I came to Caitlin with a cycle of unhealthy, unbalanced relationships—I was constantly giving away my power, afraid of being my true self. Working with Caitlin, I’ve found emotional freedom, an understanding and inner knowing of my worth, and have broken generational trauma patterns. She’s helped me tackle life challenges head-on, and I’ve achieved goals I never thought possible because now I have the confidence and better sense of self to take the necessary actions. I don’t always know the way, but Caitlin guides me to the answers that are already within. If you’re ready to do the work, I highly recommend her.”
- Sophia


7 Signs You're an Inner World Adventurer

If you have an adventurous spirit, you probably love the idea of boldly going where no one has gone before. You’re fascinated by different cultures and you pursue new experiences because it makes you feel alive. But are you an inner world adventurer?


Want to break free from what's weighing you down and holding you back?

You can.


Get my love notes

Thought-provoking insights, heartwarming encouragement, and plenty of LOLs.

I work with women and feminine-of-center folks of every race, ethnicity, age, ability, orientation, and relationship style. You belong here in all your gorgeous individuality.

 For media inquiries, please contact [email protected].